The Business Spotlight and Featured Businesses is a large section located on the home page of this website. It is used to highlight businesses who have purchased the advertisement .
Due to the abundance of requests for both Business Spotlight and Featured Businesses , the business will be listed for a period of 30 days.
For the Business Spotlight, we only featured one business per month. For the Featured Businesses , however, we offer a limited space of 20 businesses per month.
Yes, your business can be featured multiple times. However, keep in mind, that businesses are listed by order of acceptance.
This means that your business will be featured in the order that it was received (ex. if we have 5 businesses to spotlight before yours, then yours will be featured after all 5 businesses have been featured.) You can also feature your business in either Spotlight or Featured, regardless if they were featured in either one previously.
We post continous content on your business and highlight the various aspects of it. This includes but is not limited to: Posts, Messages, Videos, Images, Contacts, and other social media advertisments.
Specific content is also accepted upon request.No, each time you request the Spotlight or Featured adbusiness, it is a one-time charge. For each sign up, you pay the total balance of either $100 for Spotlight or $50 for Featured.
Yes, you are able to cancel your request. From the day of your approved ad, you have up to 7 days to cancel the request. Stated in our terms and conditions, this is the only time that payments for this form are refundable.